Read What Our Business Partners Think!

Thank you, Maria del Carmen Luna!   

Billing Recommendation1

Thank you, Liz Cruz M. D.!

Billing Recommendation2

Thank you, AZ Centers for Digestive Health!

Billing Recommendation3

We Have A Very Important Message:

 To all of our future and present Business partners: My partner and I decided to see why Practitioners were more attracted to other Billing providing companies. Our findings were very disturbing! We found brokers from India selling or subcontracting your billing for a percentage.

What to look out for:
These Sub-Contractors set up Fake websites that look real but sound too good to be true, numbers with recordings, and Fake United States offices.

What are the consequence: Not knowing the proper codes equals less money in your pocket!

We are Consulting & Billing Experts with a lot of experience, please give us a call with any of your concerns. We would love to get to know you and your billing needs!

DDR Medical Billing and Consultants

We are an American Based Medical Billing Company that Does NOT Outsource Offshore. Certified Professional Coders with combined 66 years experience.


(602) 888-7063 /

3104 E Camel Back Rd. Suite 385 Phoenix, AZ 85016

(602) 888-7063 /

Medical Billing

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